When it comes to handling and caring for your press brakes, you need to be a lot more proactive. There are both the mechanical and electrical systems, tooling and hydraulic circuits to put into consideration as well. Here are easy ways for you to take care of your press brakes.
Make Copies of Your Manual
This is the simplest step and it is also the first to take when it comes to caring for your press brakes. It is important to have a hard copy that can be visible to operators when necessary. A good place to keep a hard copy is near the electric panel. Also, have soft copies available in case of an emergency. You always want to have soft and hard copies of your manual in a safe storage area.
Lubricate As Recommended
There is a diagram that should appear in your manual. This manual shows the appropriate lubrication for different parts and also provides a recommended schedule to follow. Let’s say you work a total of 3 shifts, lubrications would be done 3 times sooner as it is based on an 8-hour workday. Timetables and starts for filters, hydraulic oils, etc are provided on the manual as well.
Check Hydraulic Circuit
It is very important to have clean oil as well as a filled reservoir. To ensure proper maintenance of your press brake, checking the oil daily is recommended. It is the same for oils used in hydraulic clamping. Ensure the tank cover seals and the air breathers are in perfect condition. Have an oil supplier check the quality and the viscosity of your oil after every 2000 hr of operation. Other things you should look into includes;
- Clean the tanks and suction filters thoroughly.
- Clean and replace filters when necessary.
- Check the air filter at the oil tank cover.
- Examine all mechanical equipment.
- Examine the pumps and the pressure relief valves for signs of maximum pressure.
Examine Important Components
Check the piston bolts, guides, and chain sprockets at least twice a year. You can do this by checking all bolts for tightness and check conditions if any seem loose. Replace stretched ones. Calibrate all stops and back gauges. Follow the manufacturer specifications to retain adequate clearance between ram gibs.
It is also important to maintain your machines electrical components by checking them annually. This includes the terminal boxes, motor terminal strips, relate, printed circuit boards, cables, and switches, etc.
Keep It Clean
A properly wiped down and clean press brake has more chances of lasting longer. Always remember that dust and rusts are the enemies of this machine. You should have a rust protectant on your machine. Ensure the back gauge us clean, ensure cooling fans and vent filters are clean as well. The hydraulic pump motor should be kept clean from dust and dirt. Safety lasers should be cleaned daily with none abrasive cloth to avoid scratches or build-ups.
With these steps, you are sure to maintain the productivity of your press brake and help it last a lot longer.